by AMC Admin | Nov 22, 2017 | News
Title: Reimagining curriculum: spaces for disruption Editor: Lynn Quinn Target audience: Academic developers and academic leaders (possibly some ‘mainstream’ lecturers) in South Africa and further afield. Purpose: The purpose of the book is for academic developers...
by AMC Admin | Nov 17, 2016 | Call for papers, Conferences, News
Announcement and Second Call for Papers Date: 24 – 27 July 2017 Venue: University of Johannesburg, Soweto Campus The University of Johannesburg, in collaboration with colleagues at other South African universities, including UWC, CPUT and RU, will host an...
by AMC Admin | Nov 26, 2015 | Call for papers, Conferences
The Call for Abstracts for the 10th Annual UKZN Teaching & Learning In Higher Education Conference is now open. Theme: The Scholarship of Teaching & Learning: Advancing Teaching Innovation and Research Excellence in Higher Education. The Annual Teaching &...
by AMC Admin | Nov 26, 2015 | Call for papers, Conferences
As a strategy to strengthen student learning in higher education, especially amongst “students at risk”, we are inviting academics to reflect critically on issues relevant to the effectiveness of their tutoring or mentoring practices and to share their...