by AMC Admin | Nov 22, 2017 | News
Title: Reimagining curriculum: spaces for disruption Editor: Lynn Quinn Target audience: Academic developers and academic leaders (possibly some ‘mainstream’ lecturers) in South Africa and further afield. Purpose: The purpose of the book is for academic developers...
by AMC Admin | Nov 23, 2015 | Conferences, News
Professor Gina Wisker from the University of Brighton facilitated a pre-conference workshop at HELTSASA 2015 on developing a writing career: [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes”...
by AMC Admin | Nov 19, 2015 | Conferences, News
This morning’s keynote address at the HELTASA 2015 conference was delivered by Professor Jenni Case. Her paper, “Reimagining the curriculum in a postcolonial space: Engaging the public good purposes of higher education in South Africa”, is available...
by AMC Admin | Nov 13, 2015 | News
26 October 2015 The events of the past few weeks have ushered in irrevocable changes in the South African higher education context. Critical issues that have been on the transformation agenda since the early 1990s and that have not received due attention have now been...
by AMC Admin | Oct 26, 2015 | Conferences, News
Join the SIG network and be invigorated by vibrant, dynamic communities of practice across a range of theoretical and practical foci. Participants may look forward to constructive engagement and collaboration around critical issues in Southern African Higher...