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Curriculum in the context of transformation

Curriculum in the context of transformation

Curriculum is central to the pedagogic project of the university, and like all aspects of education, it is underpinned by values, beliefs and ideologies. Reframing traditional understanding and practices Curriculum is central to the pedagogic project of the...
RU Teaching with Technology booklet

RU Teaching with Technology booklet

This publication is a collection of case studies outlining examples of how lecturers at Rhodes University have carefully considered and selected technologies to address a range of teaching and learning challenges. This publication is a collection of case studies...
CHERTL Resource on the Evaluation of Teaching and Courses

CHERTL Resource on the Evaluation of Teaching and Courses

Evaluation of teaching and courses: Reframing traditional understandings and practices The Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning at Rhodes University has recently published a resource booklet of case studies on the Evaluation of Teaching and...