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Current Research

Currently 29 participants are working on 19 articles on Tutoring and Mentoring, 13 are engaged in 11 papers on the First Year Experience, and 8 writers are working on 6 papers on the Effectiveness of Writing Retreats for Publication.

The following TDG project papers were presented at submitted for the 2nd Annual Conference – South African National Resource Centre – First-Year Experience and Students in Transition Conference, 19-21 May 2015 Johannesburg, South Africa:

  • Dr Nosisana Mkonto, (CPUT). First Year Co-ordinators role in engaging academics in the transitions of first year students
  • Dr Ina Louw (UP). Tutor support to turn tutorials into learning spaces
  • Dr Subretha Pather (CPUT). First year teacher education students’ expectations of academic integration
  • Ms Siyanda Ntlabathi (UFH). Transitions in technological skills: From high school to university
  • Ms Razia Mayet (UJ). At Risk Science students’ perceptions of their poor performance. Why student engagement matters
  • Mr Edgar Samkange (MUT). Toward developing a first-year experience (FYE) for Mangosuthu University of Technology
  • Ms Cheri Hugo (CPUT). Graphic Design students uncover cultural contextual South African resources that support mentoring
  • Mr Emmanuel Esambe (CPUT). Before the gates of the university: Repositioning learning support for first year students
  • Mr Nkosinathi Sithole and Dr Mumthaz Banoobhai (TUT). The effectiveness of outside classroom orientation programs in a multi-campus university

These papers and others are being developed for submission to peer-reviewed journals, with the support of the TDG’s writing coaches/mentors.

In addition, eleven papers have been accepted for the Joint ICED/HELTASA Conference, Ethics, Care and Quality in Educational Development to be held 22-25 November 2016, in Cape Town, South Africa:

  • Dr Nosisana Mkonto, (CPUT): First Year Co-ordinators role in engaging academics in the transitions of first year students
  • Dr Ina Louw (UP): Tutor support to turn tutorials into learning spaces
  • Dr Su Pather (UWC): First year teacher education students’ expectations of academic integration
  • Ms Siyanda Ntlabathi (UFH): Transitions in technological skills: From high school to university
  • Ms Razia Mayet (UJ): At Risk Science students’ perceptions of their poor performance. Why student engagement matters
  • Mr Edgar Samkange (MUT): Toward developing a first-year experience (FYE) for Mangosuthu University of Technology
  • Ms Cheri Hugo (CPUT): Graphic Design students uncover cultural contextual South African resources that support mentoring
  • Mr Emmanuel Esambe (CPUT): Before the gates of the university: Repositioning learning support for first year students
  • Mr Nkosinathi Sithole and Dr Mumthaz Banoobhai (TUT): The effectiveness of outside classroom orientation programs in a multi-campus university.

The following participants will present their papers at international conferences:

In addition, some of the TDG participants have presented their studies at Institutional Faculty Seminars

Ms Mianda Erasmus, SoTL Lekgotla, NWU, October 2016.
Dr Mpho Jama, Faculty of Medicine, UFS
Dr Ina Louw, Science Faculty, UP to HOD meeting of the Faculty which could result in invitations to other departments.
Ms Razia Mayet, Learning Development, UJ, At Risk Learners at the UJ Academic Development Centre Colloquium

TDG Project Participants and working titles of their abstracts

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DHET TDG Project

DHET Teaching Development Grant


Aim and objectives

Current Research

The TDG Project

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The Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa (HELTASA) is a professional association for educators and other significant stakeholders in the Higher Education sector.

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