011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

Thank you for a successful 2019 Conference!

The Rhodes Conference Team, under the expert guidance of Lynn Quinn and led by Kirstin Wilmot, did a fantastic job of hosting the 2019 conference. Keynote speakers were invigorating, thought-provoking and provocative – to instil in us a sense of urgency about our involvement as academics in the knowledge and social project in HE.

Conference Videos

Re-live your favourite Conference moments and share them with your colleagues who were unable to attend. We’ve uploaded a few key Conference sessions to the Youtube page.




Teaching Excellence Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2019 Teaching Excellence Award winners! Download the awards booklet for more information on the winners here.

Post-Conference Feedback

We have opened up a comments space on the HELTASA website to continue to share, unpack, question, clarify and engage on all or some of the issues that surfaced during the conference. Please share some of your favourite #HELTASA2019 Conference moments with us, and tell us which workshops and presentations you enjoyed the most.

Post-Conference Feedback

We’ve uploaded the #HELTASA2019 Conference images to a shared Google Drive Folder. Download them at the link below and share them across your social media platforms using the hashtag #HELTASA2019.

Please stay connected by communicating and let’s keep the HELTASA pulse, beating and the rhythm, going.

Send questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions to:  Email: info@heltasa.org.za

Send online support and portal queries to : Email: support@associationmco.com

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