Latest Projects
Arising as a partnership of ICED and Heltasa, the SAULT Forum is a regional network which aims to support dialogue and collaboration for the development of teaching and learning in higher education in Southern Africa. The ‘Region’ of Southern Africa is defined as including the following countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
HE Resources
The HE Policies, Frameworks and Resources page highlights key documents that pertain to teaching and learning in HE. HELTASA will be drawing on these to inform their organisational perspectives and stances in shaping teaching and learning in our context. Please feel free to use these documents to engage with us (leave a comment; write a think-piece), in your departments and units and with your colleagues to inform your teaching and learning gaze and praxis.
Premium Vacancies
We are excited to share that we have launched a paid advertising service, and invite you to secure a premium placement on the HELTASA website for a job vacancy at your institution. Our website gets over 1000 views every month so this is an excellent way to amplify the reach of your job ads.
Social Media Guide
Do you have news or something to share? Please send us a request so we can assist you with our platforms.
HELTASA Resources
HE Resources
Premium Vacancies
Social Media Guide
The Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa (HELTASA) is a professional association for educators and other significant stakeholders in the Higher Education sector.
Contact Information
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