011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za


HELTASA’s Journey of Resilience and Evolution in Higher Education.

Through its activities in 2020 as well as the success of our first online conference, HELTASA has proven that it is resilient and relevant in times of crisis, especially where teaching and learning are concerned. As HELTASA grows in profile and membership, it became clear that the shape and fit of the organisation needed to align with its changing role and purview.

If we wish to be a strong voice in the sector, as well as offer collegial support to its members, HELTASA needs to increase its capability and capacity to fulfil these goals. For this reason, HELTASA entered a phase of repurposing and restructuring in early 2021 to expand its leadership capacity to make the HELTASA circle bigger.

During a meeting convened by the HELTASA Executive Committee in January this year, a proposal was tabled to amend section 5 of the Constitution of the HELTASA. This proposal serves to align with the ever-changing Higher Education (HE) landscape and HELTASA’s continued delivery on its mandate as a relevant, responsive and resilient professional entity, which is committed to strengthening HE practice, research and policy.

The growth of the organisation, together with its expanding and shifting role – particularly with how the coronavirus pandemic has affected HE – necessitates repurposing and restructuring the governing structure and governance mechanism to ensure efficacy and sustainability.

Send questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions to:  Email: info@heltasa.org.za

Send online support and portal queries to : Email: support@associationmco.com

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