011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

HELTASA/CHE Teaching Excellence Awards 2019: Call for Applications

CHE and HELTASA have jointly awarded the National Excellence in Teaching and Learning Awards since 2010.

The aims of the Awards are:

  • To show support at a national level for excellence in teaching and learning in higher education.
  • To generate a cadre of academics who are identifiable and able to provide inspiration and leadership in teaching in their disciplines, institutions and regions.
  • To generate debate and public awareness about what constitutes teaching excellence

The application process

  1. The Council on Higher Education and HELTASA send out the call to the Executive of the university and the head of the academic development / teaching and learning centre.
  2. A brochure outlining the aims of the awards and the processes whereby they are awarded is circulated as widely as possible. The Dean/Director of Teaching and Learning (or equivalent) at every university is asked to circulate this brochure electronically to all academics.
  3. The university identifies possible candidates through processes that are transparent and inclusive. Contact details for a representative of the Executive of the university should be identified on the application cover sheet.
    1. Institutions may consider nominating winners of the university’s own teaching awards.
    2. A university may nominate a previous recipient of a commendation or an unsuccessful candidate but only after one year has elapsed since the previous application, and provided that the application has undergone some revision.
  4. Each candidate prepares a portfolio with due attention to the criteria in this call. The candidate might choose to receive critical advice and feedback from their own institutional teaching and learning centre or other peers. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application and any attachments are loaded successfully onto the HELTASA website. Applicants are encouraged to make use of resource materials supporting the application process, such as winners’ portfolios, which are available on the HELTASA website.
  5. The due date for all applications is: ​28 June 2019. Shortlisted candidates will be informed of the outcome by the end of August. All shortlisted applicants will be required to make a short presentation to the selection committee via Skype in September 2019. Final awards will be announced  by 30 September 2019 and will be handed out at the HELTASA annual conference, which will take place from 27 to 29 November 2019 in Grahamstown/Makhanda.

Requests for clarity on the nomination process should be directed to the chair of the awards committee, Langutani Mary Masehela (mary.masehela@univen.ac.za).

Please read the call for applications for 2019 carefully before uploading your application.

Find out more about developing your teaching portfolio here.

The application process has now ended.

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