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The Covid-19 pandemic has forced Higher Education contact institutions to radically amend their planned assessments as they are forced to shift from face-to-face to emergency remote teaching.

As academics make these transitional shifts, they have to consider many issues such as students’ access to technological devices, data, internet connectivity, and select assessments which are best suited to their institutional contexts.

The Professional Development and Technology Enhanced Learning Collaborative Learning Communities (CLCs) held a webinar as follows:

Remote Teaching: Assessment methods and practices  on Thursday, 25 June 2020 at 11am.

Panel of Speakers included :

Dr Raymond Emekako – Faculty team Leader, Centre for Teaching and Learning, NWU

Dr Daniela Gachago –Senior lecturer, Educational Technology, CPUT

Prof Elias Oupa Mashile – Executive Director: Department of Tuition Support and Facilitation of Learning (DSTFL) UNISA

Ms Shanali Govender – Academic Staff Development Team. Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching, UCT

Dr Upasana Singh –Senior Lecturer, Information Systems and Technology, UKZN


Facilitators: Dr Rosaline Govender (Convenor – PD CLC) and Dr Nicola Pallitt (Convenor – TEL CLC)

Please see links to the recording and the PowerPoint presentations below:

Recording   https://youtu.be/Hs7W5q355Mo

Slides https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dVYOiB9IRYMHqqR9MA0VnAc64hSY3qCn?usp=sharing


For further information, please contact:

Dr Rosaline Govender rosalineg@dut.ac.za

Dr Nicola Pallitt n.pallitt@ru.ac.za

Ms Anthea Adams a.adams@ru.ac.za