011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

The Chapman Hotel and Conference Centre, has extended their hospitality offering special accommodation rates for HELTASA delegates using the code: HELT2018.  To make use of this opportunity, which includes Bayworld tickets and a dinner voucher, please contact The Chapman at chapmail@iafrica.com or +2741 584 0678.

Information regarding the HELTASA 2018 conference is available online.  Any updated information to the website will be tweeted using the hashtag #HELTASA2018.  Please keep an eye on the HELTASA social media pages, such as Facebook, the HELTASA Conference 2018 events page and the official HELTASA Twitter handle @Heltasa01.

We look forward to welcoming you to Nelson Mandela University and dancing with you on the teaching and learning waves of change in Africa.

The 2018 Conference Committee