011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

RE: Contextual Approaches Towards the Professional Academic Development with Regard to the Teaching Role to be held on 27 July 2015

Please login to read the draft programme for the colloquium on Contextual Approaches Towards the Professional Academic Development with Regard to the Teaching Role to be held on 27 July 2015. If you plan to attend the colloquium please complete the attached Attendance Form and email it to the colloquium organisers by 15 July 2015. The email address is on the form, which is attached at the end of the programme.

As noted in an earlier communication, the colloquium will take the place of this year’s annual HELTASA Professional Development Workshop. The topic of the colloquium is directly relevant to members of the SIG.

The venue for the colloquium is Devon Valley near Stellenbosch. Since most attendees will fly to Cape Town and stay at Devon Valley (or close by) on Sunday 26th July, it was decided to hold a PD SIG meeting on the evening of 26 July 2015 at Devon Valley. Please let me know if you are planning to attend this meeting and if you have any items for the agenda.

View the draft programme