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You are invited to join the launch of the new book: Rural Transitions to Higher Education in South Africa: Decolonial Perspectives, by Sue Timmis, Thea de Wet, Kibashini Naidoo, Sheila Trahar, Lisa Lucas, Emmanuel Mfanafuthi Mgqwashu, Patricia Muhuro and Gina Wisker (published by Routledge). The University of Johannesburg and the University of Bristol’s Centre for Higher Education Transformations will host this event, which is part of the free Bristol Conversations in Education research seminar series, on Tuesday, 7 December. Prof Lebo Moletsane (UKZN) and Prof Chrissie Boughey (Rhodes University) will be speaking during the event

This book will be of great value to those engaged in rurality research across diverse settings, and those interested in the South African higher education context and higher education more widely. Its innovative, participatory methodology will be invaluable to researchers seeking to conduct collaborative research based on decolonising approaches.

Event details:

  • Date: 7 December 2021
  • Time: 13h30 – 15h00 GMT

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