011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

e/merge 2018: Festival of e-Learning in Africa

After several decades of experience across projects rolling out educational technology, it is well understood that the availability of technology is just one of several preconditions for success. Effective integration of technology to enhance learning and teaching requires the development and use of technical, organisational and pedagogical capabilities. This online festival is about the development of deep capacity for e-learning by African higher education in an increasingly networked world. Our second call for proposals is open until 23 April 2018.

Our festival theme is “Growing e-learning capacity together”. e/merge 2018 will convene a welcoming space and a diverse, dynamic community across multiple networks to discuss, debate, review, showcase and celebrate e-learning in higher education in Africa. Our focus is on e-learning in African higher education and on joining up the African and global conversations about e-learning research and practice. Presenters and workshop leaders from all continents who are working with or researching e-learning in Africa are encouraged to submit proposals. The presenters and festival interactions will be supported by a team of trained and experienced online facilitators from across Africa. e/merge 2018 is organised by the e/merge Africa professional development network and funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.