011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

Date: 27 & 28 November 2023
Time: 09h00 – 13h30 SAST
Platform: Zoom

Click here to join the meeting on the 27th
Click here to join the meeting on the 28th

The Siyaphumelela First-Year Experience (FYE) Workstream will be hosting its annual Webinar Series. This year, the focus is on the FYE Initiatives/ Programmes offered at the participating Siyaphumelela Project Institutions and the sharing of examples of good practice. FYE Initiatives/ Programmes are an important vehicle for student transition, success, and experience.

This webinar brings together a network of interested persons and a community of practitioners across higher education institutions to encourage engagements and conversations that will contribute to developing a national framework.

Join us during 27th & 28th of November 2023 for the live webinars where UKZN, UFS, DUT, UWC, NWU, CPUT, and WITS will present their FYE Initiatives/Programmes.

Dr Ephraim Mhlanga,
Programme Specialist: Quality Assurance, Saide Email: ephraimm@saide.org.za

CLICK HERE to download the webinar poster and timetable