The conference committee is eager to share some of the beats that are setting the rhythm for the 2018 HELTASA conference, Dancing on the Learning and Teaching Waves of Change in Africa.
In her keynote address, Academic Development: Where to now?, Dr Boughey will explore Academic Development movement in the South African higher education context and where “the movement needs to go in order to contribute to the development of a higher education system that will serve South Africa well.”
The pre-conference workshops, that will be taking place on 20 November include the following topics:
- Dancing with, and sometimes against, the beat: reflective tools for developing yourself and others in changing times
- Discovering the discourse in decolonising higher education curriculum
- Using Lifestory, Photovoice and multi-modal participatory approaches in researching access to, participation in, and outcomes of university learning for low-income youth
- Supporting students’ academic literacy skills development in everyday teaching practice
Additional information regarding the pre-conference workshops will be added to the conference website once the review process, in response to the Second Call for abstracts, closing on 24 August, has been finalised.
In addition, the 2018 HELTASA conference invites delegates to make a contribution to the field of higher education teaching and learning through engaging with the themes emerging from the conference that may enable the dance to continue.
Critical listeners, who will be invited to attend various sessions, will conclude the conference with a reflective engagement on the rhythms relevant to teaching and learning in higher education that emerged from the conference
Registration for the HELTASA 2018 conference closes on 15 September and late registration on 15 October 2018.
Additional Information regarding the HELTASA 2018 conference is available online. Any updated information to the website will be tweeted using the hashtag #HELTASA2018. Please keep an eye on the HELTASA social media pages, such as Facebook, the HELTASA Conference 2018 events page and the official HELTASA Twitter handle @Heltasa01.
We look forward to welcoming you to Nelson Mandela University and dancing with you on the teaching and learning waves of change in Africa.
The 2018 Conference Committee