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International Consortium for Educational Development

12th biennial conference

June 5-8, 2018

“Institutional Change: Voices, Identities, Power, and Outcomes”

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

The POD Network and Kennesaw State University are pleased to host the 2018 biennial conference of the International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED).

ICED is a professional consortium of 24 national educational development networks around the world, and it sponsors a vibrant conference, showcasing cutting-edge theoretical and practical advances in the field. The conference theme—Institutional Change: Voices, Identities, Power, and Outcomes—asks us all to consider what kind of results we are able to document when all voices are invited at the institutional and global tables. Together we claim the power that results from our rigorous and thoughtful practices.

Atlanta is the ideal backdrop to this kind of dialogue. A dynamic world capital, home to several Fortune 500 companies and host of the 1996 Olympics, it is a modern incubator of excellence, standing strong in the diversity and social justice tradition inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We look forward to welcoming our ICED friends and colleagues with our trademark southern hospitality. Mark your calendars!

Follow this link to the conference website for the call for proposals, and be sure to sign up for email updates in the right-hand column www.iced2018.com