011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

The 2018 ICED conference took place from 5-8 June in Atlanta, USA. The HELTASA executive committee was particularly attracted by the conference theme “Institutional changes – voices, identities, power and outcomes.”

Three members of the executive team attended the conference and conducted a workshop on personal and professional identities in an organisational space. This interactive workshop engaged participants to reflect on personal and collective agency, to enable organisational transformation and development.

Participants were exposed to various reflective activities, individually and in groups, to gain insight into their own perceptions of personal and professional identities and how these identities might serve or constrain their agency within their own organisational work. These reflections were shared within a safe space of a small group discussion where participants had the opportunity to share and gain a deeper and better understanding of different perceptions.

The three-panel members acted as facilitators in these knowledge cafés. Feedback was captured with the consent of participants. The findings will inform the next cycle of the participatory action research methodology executed for this project.