HELTASA Executive Engages with SIG Convenors on the UCDG
As part of the HELTASA Executive’s September 2018 meeting, SIG Convenors were invited to join in a special day-long session to discuss the role of SIGs in the implementation of the collaborative University Capacity Development Grant (UCDG). HELTASA Executive member Prof Chrissie Boughey of Rhodes University presented an overview of the collaborative UCDG proposal that was submitted to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in 2017 and ultimately approved for an amount of R4.5m for 2018-2020.
Prof Boughey highlighted the fact that a large part of HELTASA’s proposal was devoted to the work of SIGs. Therefore, in the implementation of UCDG funding, this engagement with SIG convenors was important in order to discuss grant-based activities for the remaining period of the grant, the monitoring of those activities and their evaluation. With support from the UCDG, HELTASA and its SIGs are providing a critical service to the HE sector with regard to leadership, guidance and advocacy, and to HELTASA members in respect of professional, scholarly & strategic development. Further details on how SIG members can benefit from these activities will communicated through SIG convenors and HELTASA.