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Dear Friends and Colleagues

The SANRC has received an excellent response to the first Call for Papers for the SANRC FYE Conference 2016. Many thanks to all who responded positively to the Call for Papers. The initial peer review process will now proceed with the initial submissions, but it is clear that there will still be some space available on the programme.  As a consequence we have decided to extend this second call for papers.  We look forward to hearing from you.

SANRC FYE CONFERENCE 2016: A Practitioner’s Perspective: Toward a Critical Understanding of FYE Practice and Strategies to Support Academic Success in the First- Year and Beyond.

The South African National Resource Centre for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition (SANRC) will be hosting its second annual FYE Conference on 25-27 May 2016 at the Southern Sun O.R. Tambo International Airport.

The theme of the Conference provides South Africa’s FYE knowledge community with a reflective space for critically examining and understanding FYE practice and strategies in a South African context. The Conference will include a special focus on international FYE work with inputs from leading global FYE experts.

Abstracts can be submitted under the following sub-themes:

  • Facilitation of student belonging (academic and social) and a culture of inclusion through FYE work
  • Innovations in FYE work
  • Assessment of the outcomes of FYE work
  • Learning from the FYE network in South Africa and globally

Abstracts can be submitted on the SANRC website by the deadline of 11 March 2016. You will be notified if your abstract has been accepted by 30 March 2016. The SANRC contact person for any queries is Ms Andani Ramulongo on 011 559 1002 or aramulongo@uj.ac.za

Deadline for second call abstract submissions: 11 March 2016

Registration opens: 1 March 2016

The SANRC looks forward to welcoming you at the SANRC FYE Conference 2016.