011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

The University of Fort Hare (UFH) will be hosting a virtual colloquium on Enhancing Higher Education Teaching and Learning in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). The online event will interrogate teaching and learning practices and experiences, in relation to the possibilities, complexities and accordances of the 4IR era.

The speakers and participants will also tackle the following sub-themes:

  • Enhancing student learning experience 
  • Institutional leadership and management 
  • Curriculum and learning experience design
  • AI and the enhancement of teaching and learning 
  • Rurality and employability of graduates in 4IR

Specific topics to be explored include 4IR as an enabler of students with disabilities, the applications of AI in teaching and learning and the architecture of a SMART rural university.

Dates and keynote speakers will be announced on the UFH Teaching and Learning Centre website in due course.  Follow UFH TLC on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for updates.

For enquiries, get in touch with Ms N Mayaphi (nmayaphi@ufh.ac.za).

Download the colloquium flyer here.