011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

Date: 16 October 2023
Time: 12h30 – 14h00 SAST
Platform: Microsoft Teams

Click here to join the meeting 
Meeting ID: 316 518 137 758
Passcode: d5ewkA

The National University Teaching Awards (NUTA) is an initiative of a number of higher education organisation stakeholders, most notably the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), with the DHET Minister being the Patron of the award.

The NUTA aims to be inclusive of all university contexts and acknowledges the impact of university environments and resources on teaching practices. In addition, the NUTA foregrounds innovative, agile, reflective, holistic student-centered teaching practices within each unique context in which lecturers and professional staff function.

The purpose of this second HELTASA/NUTA webinar for 2023 is to present the opportunity for potential participants or representatives of respective institutions to engage in discussions on portfolio development for the NUTA 2024. The webinar will also focus on imperatives and sharing practices on portfolio development.

By the end of the webinar, attendees should have:
1. An informed understanding of the imperatives for NUTA portfolio development for 2024 participation.
2. The ability to write a teaching philosophy that is fit for purpose for NUTA.
3. Knowledge and informed understanding of the criteria of the NUTA.

HELTASA provides a platform for the higher education fraternity to discuss, share and work collaboratively towards supporting the NUTA initiative.

We look forward to your attendance and participation on Monday, 16 October 2023!