011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

EDUCAUSE’s 2020 Horizon Report profiled key trends and emerging technologies and practices shaping the future of teaching and learning. It is based on the perspectives and experiences of an expert panel of leaders at higher education institutions from across the world. The panel seeks submissions about projects that could be included in the 2021 edition of the report, which is widely used in the higher education sector as a reference on annual trends in education and technology.

In preparation of the 2021 Horizon Report, EDUCAUSE has been working closely with the expert panel and is continuing a long-standing tradition of reaching out to the community about the projects that illustrate these technologies and practices for teaching and learning in higher education in action. If your institution is working with any of the following six emerging technologies and practices, as voted on by the expert panel, please submit information about your projects and initiatives:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Growth of micro-credentialing for educators and students
  • Learning analytics
  • Open educational resources (OER)
  • Proliferation of blended/hybrid modes/teaching models
  • Shift from remote teaching to quality online learning

Guidelines for submission:

  • Submit your projects via the submission form.
  • You are welcome to submit more than one project.
  • These projects can include production or pilot programs, research projects, faculty undertakings, emerging technology trials, or evaluation/assessment projects.
  • Deadline for submission: 15 March 2021

Your innovations, projects and initiatives are a valuable component of the report, so we encourage you to contribute to the 2021 edition! If you need further guidance on the types of projects you can submit, please refer to the 2020 Horizon Report