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The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at the North-West University (NWU) invites academics and professional staff to submit full manuscripts of 20 to 30 pages to be considered for publication in A Scholarly Approach to Student Success in Higher Education – Transformative Pedagogies (Volume 2). The overarching theme for this publication relates to higher education pedagogic best practices as opposed to practices aimed at communication of education only as a limited form of transmission of knowledge within the context provided by NWU’s Teaching and Learning Strategy (2021 – 2025).

Manuscript submissions should be original research, and contain between 7000 and 10,000 words including references and endnotes. The editors are interested in chapters that present a rigorous inquiry (conducted empirically or through argumentation) into the understanding of educational issues nationally, as well as internationally, pertaining to the overall theme and sub-themes.

Manuscripts must include one of the following main themes:

  1. Pedagogic transitions for HE transformation
    • Sub themes:
      • The transition from pedagogy to digital blended pedagogies or fused pedagogies.
      • The transition from analytics of student performance, to student analytics that assist students in improving their learning.
      • The transition from self-study to self-direction that enables or promotes opportunities for social and collaborative learning (of a multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary, team-based nature).
  2. Academics as university teachers
    • The work of an academic involves being a teacher and a researcher: these roles should not be in competition. Both are equally important and interdependent, and need to be developed, valued, rewarded and incentivised. Teaching must be research-informed. Good teaching is grounded in a deep understanding of a discipline: the basis of academics’ work is knowledge, with their identities embedded in discipline as knowledge learners, producers and disseminators.
  3. Curriculum transformation
    • Sub-themes:
      • Addressing the clear inequalities that persist in HE and building quality towards student access with success.
      • Curriculum responsiveness pertaining to decolonisation, sustainable development and climate change, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the need for entrepreneurship development.

Please note that the deadline for submissions has been extended to:
4 February 2022

Manuscripts will go through a double-blind peer-review process. When uploading your manuscript to the submission portal, you will be required to check off that your submission complies with the items listed in the guidelines here. Any submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines. may be returned to authors which could cause significant delays in the publication of the chapter or, the work to be rejected.

For more information please contact info@axiompublishers.co.za.