011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

Our 2021 National ECP Colloquium, which was graciously hosted virtually by HELTASA members in the Western Cape, focused on promoting extended curriculum programme (ECP) scholarship. In 2022, we hope to once again bring together lecturers, academic staff developers and support staff with an interest in foundational and ECP provisions across higher education institutions in South Africa. We are seeking a host to help us make this possible.

We hereby invite all interested South African public universities that are willing to host the 2022 HELTASA National ECP Colloquium to submit an expression of interest plus event proposal by 10 December 2021 to Mrs. Lauren Davids (davidsla@cput.ac.za).

Your proposal outline must include the following:

  1. Introduction
  2. Proposed date of the Colloquium (it must be two to three days in duration held on any days between August to September 2022)
  3. Format of the Colloquium (options include: fully online, blended and in-person)
    1. If an in-person event is suggested; include details of the proposed venue (venue location, venue capacity)
    2. If a fully-online event is suggested; include details of the proposed virtual platform to be used.
    3. If a blended event is suggested; include details of both the in-person and online components.
  4. Suggested theme for the Colloquium (include suggested sub-themes)
  5. Proposed keynote speaker/s (include a mini bio on each speaker)
  6. Organisation
    1. Academic committee – specify full names of individuals who will assist with the reviewing of abstracts, programme etc.
    2. Logistics committee – specify full names of individuals and/or external company who will assist with the execution of the Colloquium.
  7. Proposed times frames
    1. Save the date message and opening of website: provide proposed date
    2. Invitation to submit abstracts: provide proposed date
    3. Deadline for abstracts (500 words): provide proposed date
    4. Acceptance and feedback of abstracts: provide proposed date
  8. Specify any pre-conference events (if suggested)
  9. Exemplar of a programme for the Colloquium
  10. Proposed budget including suggested delegate fee
  11. Research output (indicate whether the Colloquium will be linked to a publication).

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns.