011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

Round Table Discussion on promoting and supporting teaching excellence in Higher Education

The Teaching Excellence Project Team invites you to attend a round table discussion on promoting and supporting teaching excellence in Higher Education (HE). The aim of the round table discussion is to share contextually relevant practices of how teaching awards are promoted and conducted at different (4-5) HE institutions, and the outcome of the discussion is for the HE fraternity to learn from or affirm practices for institutional teaching awards.

Date: 30 August 2022
Time: 12:30 – 13:30
Platform: MS Teams

The Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of South Africa (HELTASA) facilitates discussions and events to foreground pertinent topics related to teaching and learning in higher education. One such topic is how teaching excellence is focused on and celebrated at higher education institutions. To this end, the following participants will share institutional practices in a round table discussion:

  • Ms Tiana van der Merwe (UFS)
  • Prof Livingstone Makondo (DUT)
  • Ms Abigail Edem (CUT)
  • Prof Laura Dison (Wits)

Each presenter will share on the following points, to be followed by a discussion:

  1. How teaching excellence is focused on and celebrated;
  2. How access to teaching excellence submissions is widened for all academics to participate in teaching awards;
  3. What are the dominant criteria to be included in teaching portfolios?
  4. Any other aspects for consideration.

For more information please email Dr Desiree Scholtz (ScholtzD@cput.ac.za) or Prof Lizette de Jager (lizette.dejager@up.ac.za).