011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

How does a digital world pose opportunities and challenges around assessment and academic integrity?


The HELTASA Digital Learning and Teaching Project Team will be hosting their third (and final) digital dialogue for 2022 on Zoom on Wednesday 28 September 12:00 – 13:30. We invite you to participate in an informal, facilitated cross-institutional dialogue where we will discuss the what, why and how of current digital assessment practices in South African higher education. We are interested in hearing your perspectives of current assessment practices at your institution (whether face-to-face, blended, online or other) and how your thinking around assessment practices has been challenged or changed in the past year. We also aim to explore some of the drivers and challenges associated with changes in assessment practices and policies, as well as matters of assessment quality and academic integrity in your context.

These informal lunchtime digital dialogues aim to stimulate discussion about all matters linked to digital learning and teaching within the South African higher education context. Join as we establish a community of practice around digital learning and teaching. No matter if you are an academic, an educational developer, an instructional designer or have some other role, if you are interested in digital learning and teaching approaches in universities, including online, blended and many others, we would like to hear from you.

Date: Wednesday 28 September
Time: 12:00 – 13:30
Platform: Zoom

If you have any questions, please email greig.krull@wits.ac.za.

We look forward to discussions with you!

The HELTASA Digital Learning and Teaching Project Team