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North West University’s Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), in its efforts to foster excellence and innovation in teaching and learning, is hosting three 3-hour colloquia from 6 – 8 September 2021.

With a focus on decolonisation and transparency in teaching and learning, these three sessions are structured to provide scholarly conversational spaces for discussion on these timely issues.

The first colloquium on the Transparency in Teaching and Learning (TiLT) framework seeks to interrogate how the shift from narrow discussions on teaching, to a broader, more inclusive engagement also with learning opens up the potential for transformative new approaches – in a context where more than 71% of learners in higher education institutions are first in their families.

The second colloquium on Instantiations of Decolonised Curriculum tackles questions of (amongst others) pedagogic practices, curriculum choices and assessment strategies; the values endorsed through our approaches; and the multiple and conflicting interests we serve through our decisions. This conversation seeks to shift to a more practical investigation of instances where decolonised curricula have been designed, implemented and reflected on.

The third and last colloquium in this series, to be held with the Faculty of Theology, is focused on Decolonising Christianity: Implications for preparing future ministers. In a post-colonial context where oppressor and oppressed have used Christianity to justify opposing beliefs and actions, this session is timely in opening up space to understand the implications of initiatives to decolonise Christianity for the next generation of pastors.

All three colloquia are open to all, and those who don’t pre-register may still join the sessions on the day. The programmes and details for registration, with short programme explainer videos, are at the links below:

Transparency in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Instantiations of Decolonised Curriculum

Decolonising Christianity: Implications for Preparing Future Ministers

The Colloquia Rooms will be open from 9:30am on the day and the conversations will begin promptly at 10:00am.

For more information, kindly contact Kedumetse.Leepo@nwu.ac.za.