011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

Listen to the full discussion at the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIzE6ey145E

Given the pressure you could be currently undergoing, why not take a break and join an online conversation that could not only provide some relief but could lead to changing perspectives!

HELTASA’s TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) CLC (Collaborative Learning Community) will be hosting an online conversation:

Thinking beyond technology when teaching remotely

This is relevant to colleagues teaching remotely or supporting others to do so. All of us are trying to make sense of teaching in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic – let’s engage and share our thoughts, experiences and resources.

 Please find the link to a thought piece.

Once you have read this piece, we would like you to think about…

  • Which of these considerations resonates with you? Why?
  • Are similar positions being encouraged at your institution?
  • Is there anything additional that you think colleagues new to remote or online teaching should
  • Do you have approaches or resources that you would like to share that others might benefit from?

We invite you to share your responses as part of an online conversation.

Meet us online at 11am on Friday 3 April 2020 via Zoom. 

Please register here to get the Zoom link.