011 867 5005 info@heltasa.org.za

The Teaching advancement at Universities (TAU) Fellowships Programme invites applications for the full-time post of Project Manager, from the start of 2021.

During 2020 the appointee will shadow the current Project Manager on a 5% – 10% of full workload basis; and from 2021-2023 will assume the position on a full workload basis. The position is suited to a senior academic retiree with considerable Higher Education experience, and with a strong interest in teaching and learning.

Applicants should have some familiarity with both financial and human resource systems at a Higher Education institution, and with faculty core business of research and teaching and learning. Skills required will include the ability to work independently in ‘driving’ and managing a comprehensive programme involving a team of senior academics, to be cognisant of both the bigger picture and the full detail of the programme, to manage own time appropriately, on occasion working under considerable pressure, and strong report-writing skills. Experience in relevant project management would be an advantage.

Job duties include but are not limited to the following:

• Facilitate strategic planning;
• Develop annual time-lines for the TAU programme;
• Schedule and attend meetings, developing agendas;
• Liaise with members of the TAU team, and with TAU Fellows and TAU participants;
• Build relationships between TAU and other organisations, and in particular TAU presence with HE institutions nationally;
• Propose and develop appropriate international engagement;
• Draft communication with HEIs and with DHET, and preparing reports;
• Set up broad arrangements for TAU cycle rollouts, develop a range of programme documentation and organise selection of participants;
• Facilitate and manage work on TAU curriculum and evaluations;
• Ensure development and dissemination of advocacy materials on TAU;
• Participate in fundraising activities, build relationships with potential funders, and manage TAU fundraiser;
• Manage and support networking among TAU Fellows, including arrangements regarding annual TAU Fellows’ competitive Award;
• Ensure development, maintenance and national dissemination of database of TAU Fellows’ expertise; • Manage TAU administrator

Remuneration will be comparable with the salary levels of academic appointments at Associate / Full Professor level – for the initial year (2020) on a 5%-10% basis, for the subsequent three years (2021-2023) on a 100% basis. While the TAU programme is based at the University of Johannesburg, the appointee does not have to be resident in Johannesburg, as much work will be done on-line.
For further information about the TAU programme see the attached information sheet, and the TAU website: https://taufellowships.org.za/

Those interested in applying for this position are asked to send a letter of motivation and a full CV to Ms Naidoo, convenor of the programme, at knaidoo@uj.ac.za, plus the names and contact details of three referees. Further information about the position can be obtained from Ms Kibbie Naidoo on 011 559 3397 or from Prof Elizabeth de Kadt on 082 4663346 / edekadt@uj.ac.za.

Close of applications: 15 July 2020