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Programme Development
The Programme Development project team is a scholarly project team that focus on holistic curriculum development and renewal in the higher education sector.
HELTASA Advisory Board
Coordinating Council
Dr Gabriel Gyang Darong
Dr. Darong is a medical anthropologist lecturing at Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa. He has a Philosophy (Cum Laude) degree from St. Joseph’s Theological Institute, Cedara. He embarked on his postgraduate studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College Campus, Durban, where he obtained his Bachelor of Social Science, Honours (Cum Laude), Master of Social Science (Summa Cum Laude), and PhD., all in Anthropology. He has also completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education at Rhodes University. Dr Darong’s broad areas of research interest include HIV education, ethnomedicine, and medical pluralism. He previously served as a Project Co-Ordinator at the Africa Health Research Institute, Mtubatuba, and as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Nursing and Public Health, University of KwaZulu-Natal. His current NRF-funded project seeks to develop a collaborative approach to healthcare delivery in Makhanda within the context of medical pluralism. This project involves a transdisciplinary partnership with healthcare providers from the wider Makhanda community, including Rhodes University staff and students. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate modules such as Medical Anthropology, Research Methods, Applied Medical Anthropology: disability studies, HIV and Communicable Diseases, and Bioethics. He also supervises students from third-year undergraduate to PhD level.
Sandra Williams
Sandra Williams is the Acting Faculty of Business and Management Sciences Teaching and Learning Coordinator at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. She lectures Law and Research Methodology as well as supervises at the postgraduate level in the Marketing Department. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Western Cape School of Government and an LL.M. from the same university. Sandra specialises in water governance, specifically water law, focusing on equity, efficiency, and sustainability. She has collaborated with other researchers contributing to ongoing research and training in the sector and established a wide network in the water sector in Southern Africa. She has extensive higher education experience and applies herself to curriculum development and related projects and activities
Vanessa Agbedahin
Bio coming soon.
Samuel Lundi
Bio coming soon.
Patricia Muhuro
Patricia Muhuro is a Senior Consultant Teaching and Learning at the University of Fort Hare. Her roles as an academic developer entail supporting policy implementation, student development and staff professional learning across the institution particularly infusing ICT in teaching and Learning, designing evaluations and creating portfolios. Her scholarship focus on rural students’ transitions in Higher Education and how curriculum design and delivery influences retention and success, the role of ICT in education and professional development of early career academics. She is a lecturer for various modules in the PGDipHET, a postgraduate in disciplines of curriculum, ICT in Education and Mathematics Education and a lead coordinator for multi-institutional collaborative staff support programmes.

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