Dear All
We invite you to write a short-and-sharp-and-socially-aware piece to share your perspectives on responding to the COVID-19 crisis in relation to teaching and learning. Let’s use these pieces to discuss with others what it means for the academic and teaching project to go online and how this affects academics, staff, students, workers, the community, the national and the world as a whole. This will help us all in the national space to think broadly and deeply about different aspects, not just the instructional or technical onboarding (important as these are), but about issues such as parity and equity (or lack thereof) of participation or any challenge or success we might face as we embrace the lockdown and get ready to unlock our potential in the online space.
The piece needs to be:
Short but sharp in perspective and clarity
One angle and one important idea to share (TED TALK format refers)
Embedded in context – social and epistemic
Heartfelt and real
Well considered and thoughtful
Appropriate for context and cause
Able to reach wide audience across sector
Conscious of current issues at play
Inspiring -provoke further thinking and responses
We will post your piece under a separate tab and under your authorship here We all have important perspectives to share. Let’s use this national platform to make the circle bigger and deepen and enrich our thoughts so no one is left behind.
Warm wishes
Dr Kasturi Behari-Leak (PhD)
HELTASA Chair and President
Obo the HELTASA Executive Team
# We-can-do-this-together
#Leave no-one behind!
The latest news pieces can be seen on the HELTASA homepage under “Latest News” : The staff wellness post is now up:
Social media posts can be shared widely: and